Your specialist

mr. Sacha de Block
Law specialities
Labour law
Personal and family law
Inheritance law
Sacha, a fluent German and Dutch speaking lawyer joined Kerckhoffs Advocaten in July 2018. He specialises in contract law, commercial law and family law.
He can be characterised as a solution-oriented lawyer who thinks, acts and has a heart for his clients; always with the ultimate goal of achieving the best possible result for the client. Success and client satisfaction go hand in hand. That is why a good contact with the client is very important to me. “Legal arguments are of great importance and decisive in a legal dispute. However, they should be supported by facts and evidence. And the client provides the facts and evidence. Creating a file together with the client, finding solutions and setting a strategy is something he finds incredibly enjoyable about this profession.”
Sacha de Block hat die folgenden Rechtsgebiete in das Rechtsgebietsregister der niederländischen Anwaltskammer eingetragen: Arbeitsrecht, Personenrecht und Familienrecht. Diese Eintragung verpflichtet Sacha dazu, jedes Kalenderjahr zehn Fortbildungspunkte nach den Normen der niederländischen Anwaltskammer für jedes eingetragene Rechtsgebiet zu erwerben.